Welcome to Girls’ Choice Badges
Where girls decide what adventure to go on next!
Where girls decide what adventure to go on next!
You voted, and we listened! Outdoor Explorer is the winning choice!
Here are the badges for each age level:
•Brownie: Outdoor Adventurer (a choice of outdoor activities)
•Junior: Horseback Riding
•Cadette: Archery
•Senior: Paddling (canoeing, kayaking, or paddle boarding)
•Ambassador: Ultimate Recreation Challenge (a choice five outdoor challenges)
•Brownie: Outdoor Adventurer (a choice of outdoor activities)
•Junior: Horseback Riding
•Cadette: Archery
•Senior: Paddling (canoeing, kayaking, or paddle boarding)
•Ambassador: Ultimate Recreation Challenge (a choice five outdoor challenges)
Now it's time for girls to choose what their badge will look like!
Make sure to go in and vote! My sister and I did and some of their choices look great! I can't wait to see what GSUSA does with the badges.
And remember to check out the Made w/Code website: http://www.clixtrac.com/goto/?191773
Have a happy Thursday
Yours in Coding,
Sarah Y.
You voted, and we listened! Outdoor Explorer is the winning choice! waterfowl hunting trips